It is raining right now. It was a pleasant/unpleasant surprise for me when I walked out of my apartment. On the one hand, I love the rain, and the other, my hair does not. I know, I know, what a pansy, she is so worried about her hair right? Well, go ahead and criticize, I don't care, I bet I can beat you up. Muahah!
Anyways, I am so happy right now, it is a strange happy though. One of my best friends, Brant, is going on his mission on Wednesday and I am so proud of him. It hurts to say goodbye for two years, but the reunion will be beyond joy. I had a dream that my brother came home last night. I was the strangest thing, the location I was at was a combination between my current job and my previous one. My dad and sister were there and all of the sudden I heard Brenden's voice in the other room. I was confused why he was home so early (he doesn't come home for nine more months) but I was so happy to see him. So even though I'll be near suicidal when Brant leaves, I know that I will be on a happiness high when he returns.
Another reason for being happy, I had some good luck with boys this weekend. And by that I don't mean "getting lucky." I won't elaborate on it much, especially because Kayleigh is the only one who reads my blog and she already knows about it all. That's right Kayleigh, I am making a shout out to you. :)
Another joy in my life, the sky and the mountains. Something about them lately has caught my attention incredibly so. Even now, I am staring out the window of the library and wondering what makes the clouds they way are. Sure, there are the scientific explanations, but science can only take me so far. (Really, it doesn't take me far at all...) But every cloud has a different personality and essence to it. It's like a person, there is a scientific way of making one, but every single person in the world is different, but we aren't just objects. We are alive and I think it is the same way with the clouds. I wonder what I would look like as a cloud... I think I would definitely be the one at sunset.
1 comment:
Yay! Shout out to Kayleigh. Hateful BFF that she is.
And you could get other people to read your blog if you stalked them and commented. :) Haha. That sounds so creepy.
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