Saturday, June 19, 2010

heaven on the lake's edge

saturday came somewhat swiftly. today is my first day here by myself, and i only have 13 minutes until we are officially closed and i made it. i'll admit it. i'm really proud of myself. sure i have four or five issues i need to have my boss help me out with on monday, but for the most part, the customers were overall pleased with my service.
tonight, we're all heading down to the manti pageant, stoked to say the least. Landon decided to bail because he is going to ride his motorcycle. don't worry though, i was a good girl friend and supported his "me" without the slightest bitterness or a guilt trip. not that i usually do, i'm just sayin... i behaved when he told me.
last night, he and i went for a drive. no need to buy anything, we just wanted to drive and listen to music. it was so delightful. he took me to the edge of utah lake just behind the provo airport right at sunset. we sat in silence, my head on his chest listening to this song. the bugs outside swirled in the wind and my mouth watered as the clouds turned from white, to light orange, to orange, to pink, to red, then to a lavender. Landon smelled like heaven and for all i knew at that moment, i was there.

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